Monday, March 2, 2009

What is it about a big snow that gets everyone excited? For people who live where it snows a lot they may not feel the same about a blanket of snow in March. Ashley had told me a few weeks ago that she was disappointed with Christmas this year and when I asked why she said because Santa forgot to bring us the snow. I told her this morning that I think Santa was just a little late with it.

I got the phone call last night that school was to be cancelled today so my children went to bed with excitement and anticipation of this great predicted snow. Well their wishes came true and so did mine. The last few winters in Delaware have been mild ones and I myself have been longing for a good snow. This is the most my little Ashley has ever seen. The last one we had like this was about a week before she was born.

I was up at 7:30 this morning and out side taking care of my animals. I was a sight to see and grateful no one was around to take a picture of me! I am too lazy that early in the morning to actually change, so what do I do?...I put my coat and boots on over my robe and PJ's and head on out. The snow is so deep that it went in my boots. When I opened the chicken house they were not sure about coming out. It was a challenge for them to hop through it.

I have promised to take the kids sled riding around lunch time....Now for any of you that do not live in Delaware it is very flat here and you are hard pressed to find a hill to go down. We will have to drive to it. I am waiting for Jonathan's assessment of the roads. He is out on his tractor plowing ours and the entire neighborhoods driveways. Who needs a snowblower when you have a man with a tractor! The one hill is over by the high school and is a very popular place to go. I will be sure and take pictures then!


Lórien said...

SO true! Glad you all had a good time. Hope you are well! We will be down at Smyrna High at some time tomorrow since school is cancelled again.

Leo said...

Personally, I'm glad Santa forgot to bring snow on Christmas but that does look like a lot of fun. Wish we were there to play too.